Dressage in Lightness Online
Advance your knowledge and skills to develop the relationship with your horse that you have always wanted
The in-hand work leads directly on from the “education of the mouth”. Once your horse is very confident with all the initial exercises, both from the front and from the side (left and right) we can add in the locomotion. That is, walking while working on the contact, balance, bend and neck extension. Initially it will just be working on stop, go, turn left and turn right, you can begin circles, counter bend turns, rein-back and transitions including walk / halt / walk, walk / trot / walk and halt / trot / halt. With work, you can begin all the sideways movements such as shoulder in, traver, renver, half pass and walk pirouettes. This ultimately leads to the development of the piaffe and passage exercises.
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Advance your knowledge and skills to develop the relationship with your horse that you have always wanted